Matter Software | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database

Matter Software
Featured company

Matter is aimed at increasing the sale of real-estate properties by providing innovative visualization tools.

Year Founded 2017
Total Raised
Funding Stage Bootstrapped
Employees 11-50
Country Israel
HQ Address 2301, Tel Aviv, israel 6291921, IL

Matter Software develops innovative visualization tools designed to increase the sale of real estate properties. The company uses its proprietary 3D technology to create interactive digital property tours for a wide range of industries.

Captureד your building in photo-realistic 3D to get more accurate and detailed information, helping to increase ROI, reduce costs, and save time.

Stand out in the marketplace and sell homes faster with 3D virtual tours that excite an all-in-one marketing solution.

Key People
Omer Shamay CEO & Co-founder
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Country Israel
HQ Address 2301, Tel Aviv, israel 6291921, IL

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Country Israel
HQ Address 2301, Tel Aviv, israel 6291921, IL

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