Wint - Water Intelligence | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2011
Total Raised
Funding Stage Revenue Financed
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area GlobalUnited KingdomUnited States
HQ Address 220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3002 New York, NY 10017
Other Offices 8 Aamal St Afek Industrial Park Rosh Ha’ain Israel

WINT detects and stops leaks at the source using Artificial Intelligence.

It alerts you when water is leaking and automatically shuts it off. Intelligent real-time monitoring identifies sources of leaks and waste, reducing your water consumption and preventing damage.

Water is scarce and needs to be used with more care. Water can also cause damage when it gets into the wrong places.

At WINT, we’re passionate about helping the world conserve one of its most precious resources, and we want to help people prevent the hazard and the hassle of water leaks. A group of technologists who love solving complex real-world problems, the people at WINT have developed advanced technology to solve these two problems efficiently and intelligently.

Key People
Alon Geva CEO
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Country Israel
Operation area GlobalUnited KingdomUnited States
HQ Address 220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3002 New York, NY 10017
Other Offices 8 Aamal St Afek Industrial Park Rosh Ha’ain Israel

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Country Israel
Operation area GlobalUnited KingdomUnited States
HQ Address 220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3002 New York, NY 10017
Other Offices 8 Aamal St Afek Industrial Park Rosh Ha’ain Israel

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