Flatfair | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2016
Total Raised $13.2M
Funding Stage A
Employees 1-10
Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 51 Eastcheap, London, England EC3M 1DT, GB

flatfair is the fastest growing deposit alternative in the UK, already available in hundreds of letting branches across the country (e.g. through the Spicerhaart network).
With flatfair, landlords can offer tenants the option to pay an affordable membership fee instead of an expensive tenancy deposit. In exchange, flatfair landlords get up to double the protection compared to a deposit (up to 12 weeks worth of rent) and benefit from fewer voids.
flatfair’s technology takes away the hassle of managing deposits – from registration, change of sharer to checkout – and pays its partnered letting agents a commission for bringing on new tenants.
The UK’s residential lettings model is broken. Tenants, forced to pay expensive deposits that overlap between tenancies, miss out on opportunities to rent. For agents and landlords, this results in lost revenue and lengthy voids. To make things worse, existing deposit schemes often fall short of providing the right level of efficiency and protection. This means that when it comes to covering the cost of damages and rent arrears, agents and landlords are often left out of pocket and in need of dedicated legal assistance.
Inspired by the widespread success of deposit alternative schemes in Germany and Switzerland, flatfair was founded to deliver the same innovation in the UK.
We keep the best of the existing government scheme, whilst disrupting the way payments and protection work. This creates faster, more secure transactions and stronger safeguards for everyone involved. The inefficiencies and unaffordability, lack of adequate cover and strained relationships between landlords, agents and tenants are erased, making way for an entirely new way of renting. And we’ve only just begun.

Key People
Daniel Jeczmien COO & Founder
Franz Doerr CEO & Co-Founder
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Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 51 Eastcheap, London, England EC3M 1DT, GB

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Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 51 Eastcheap, London, England EC3M 1DT, GB

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