Roostify | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2012
Total Raised $33M
Funding Stage B
Employees 101-250
Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Burlingame (HQ), CAUnited States1199 Howard Ave #350

Roostify is a web and mobile service that simplifies and accelerates the home-buying experience. We provide step-by-step guidance in the home and loan closing process and allow agents, loan officers and home buyers to share and track critical information seamlessly.
Our secure interface improves client responsiveness and referrals for agents, reduces cycles for lenders, gives buyers real-time 24/7 visibility into every step of their loan applications, and prevents delays in the overall closing process.
By accelerating and demystifying the home loan and closing process, and increasing the accountability of everyone involved in the process, Roostify helps agents and lenders increase deal flow and reduce risk while creating a better, faster, less stressful experience for people who are buying homes.

Key People
Harry Cheung CTO , Co-Founder
Jonathan Kirst Co-Founder , CTO
Nathaniel Sokoll-Ward Co-Founder & Head of product
Rajesh Bhat CEO and co-founder
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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Burlingame (HQ), CAUnited States1199 Howard Ave #350

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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Burlingame (HQ), CAUnited States1199 Howard Ave #350

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