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End-to-end tokenization platform for real estate and equity-backed securities

Year Founded 2017
Total Raised
Funding Stage Bootstrapped
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address Emek Refa'im Street 44, Jerusalem, Israel
Other Offices 21 Manor Lane, Lawrence, NY, USA

End-to-end platform for real estate developers & fund managers to raise funds by offering digital securities to investors

Key People
Yuval Wirzberger CEO & Co-Founder
Yael Tamar CMO & Partner
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Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address Emek Refa'im Street 44, Jerusalem, Israel
Other Offices 21 Manor Lane, Lawrence, NY, USA

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Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address Emek Refa'im Street 44, Jerusalem, Israel
Other Offices 21 Manor Lane, Lawrence, NY, USA

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