Lumoview | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2019
Total Raised
Funding Stage Seed
Employees 1-10
Country Germany
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Eichendorffstraße 49, 50825 Köln Germany

Lumoview provides sincere building analytics. We want to become the enabler for energy efficient refurbishments. We deliver our customers a rapid, inexpensive, and objective building analysis as an automated service. The analysis is created through an online fusion of data which are collected by our easy-to-use and hand-held measurement system. Almost instantaneously, the customers get for example a visual documentation, the floor plan, the wall temperature distribution, and an indication of where there are thermal bridges. On this basis, the customers can easily identify and prioritize the parts of buildings that need energy efficient refurbishment and can reduce carbon dioxide emissions from heating and cooling systems. Customers who request our service include energy consultants, real estate companies, and utility companies.

Key People
Silvan Siegrist Co-Founder & Managing Director
Dr.-Ing. Arne Tiddens Co-founder
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Country Germany
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Eichendorffstraße 49, 50825 Köln Germany

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Country Germany
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Eichendorffstraße 49, 50825 Köln Germany

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