Nobul | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database

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Simplify Real Estate. Search homes for sale with the world’s first and only open real estate marketplace that connects consumers with the right real estate agent

Year Founded 2017
Total Raised
Funding Stage B
Employees 1-10
Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Toronto,Canada310 200 Wellington St W

Nobul is an innovative real estate platform, offering buyers and sellers complete marketplace transparency via a user-friendly web application.
With Nobul, anybody looking to buy or sell a property can connect with the ideal agent, who, by offering attractive services and tailored commission rates upfront, will help to turn their real estate dreams into reality.

Key People
Regan McGee Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Toronto,Canada310 200 Wellington St W

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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address Toronto,Canada310 200 Wellington St W

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