ThermoTerra | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2015
Total Raised
Funding Stage Bootstrapped
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address 45th Kibutz Galuiotst, tel aviv, IL

ThermoTerra SmartWall is an add-on to prefabricated walls of residential and commercial buildings. The product enhances well-being while reducing energy expenses.

SmartWall creates personalized air conditioning with balanced temperature, humidity, and air quality. It reduces heating and cooling costs by up to 50% by utilizing HumidityPower energy harvest and storage. SmartWall can be integrated into many different construction methods and materials and can be fitted to many different architectural requirements. It can also be retrofitted to existing buildings.

Key People
Dror Zchori CTO
Eviatar Tron CEO
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Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address 45th Kibutz Galuiotst, tel aviv, IL

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Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address 45th Kibutz Galuiotst, tel aviv, IL

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