Renovai, AI-based, interior designer
Renovai is a fully automatic, A.I. based interior design platform
We have reviewed and studied the TOP and most significant interior designers in order to create a first of it’s kind, world-class, A.I.interior designer.
OUR GOAL: Making professional interior design affordable and accessible for ALL!
What do we do?
Based on the customer’s needs, requirements, space and unique taste we will create a stunning, one of a kind and perfectly customized design for every customer.
We provide a full, end to end home decor solution! From now on, all you need to do is to fill a short & fun questionnaire and will take care of everything from here. Our unique, state of the art technology, will design the perfect space and visualize it in a 3D lifelike model.
You can now rest assure how everything would look together and you’ll never have to worry about wrong measurements or Incompatible design.
Free Immediate Stunning, perfectly customized designs.