Remzy | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2016
Total Raised
Funding Stage NA
Employees 1-10
Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 5170 Pine Tree Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33140, US

Remzy is a real estate data platform for agents that empowers off-market deals. Created on the idea that as technology is changing the role of the real estate agent, so too is technology changing the way Home Buyers try to connect on a peer-to-peer level with Homeowners. Let us connect you directly to the homeowner! Of the more than 75 million homes in the U.S., at any given time, only 2% of them are actually on the market. That means that 98% of the potential housing inventory is off the market. With Remzy, we hope to attract home buyers that don’t see that as an indication that the homeowner wouldn’t sell if the right offer came along. Who knows, that offer could be yours.
Simply said, Remzy is disrupting the ever-changing landscape of real estate — without ever having to knock on a door.

Key People
Montgomery (FM) Byers Co-Founder
Ernesto Saladrigas Co-Founder
David Marc Harris Co-Founder & CEO
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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 5170 Pine Tree Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33140, US

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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 5170 Pine Tree Dr, Miami Beach, FL 33140, US

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