ProTenders | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2015
Total Raised $7M
Funding Stage A
Employees 11-50
Country United Arab Emirates
Operation area AsiaMiddle East
HQ Address AstroLabs Parkside, JLT, Dubai, UAE

ProTenders is a B2B platform that connects the global procurement and sourcing ecosystem for the construction industry.

At its core is an award-winning, user-friendly and secure eTendering engine that’s already been used to process $45B in bids across 1,700 projects, while helping Developers save 90% of the process costs & time.

But just providing an engine is not enough. ProTenders enables “sellers” to get found by building publicly available rich company profiles, that can then be used by “buyers” to find the right partners based on their exact requirements for each job.

Key People
Karim Helal CEO & Co-founder
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Country United Arab Emirates
Operation area AsiaMiddle East
HQ Address AstroLabs Parkside, JLT, Dubai, UAE

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Country United Arab Emirates
Operation area AsiaMiddle East
HQ Address AstroLabs Parkside, JLT, Dubai, UAE

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