POC Systems | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
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An intuitive graphical platform for smarter space management

Year Founded 2011
Total Raised
Funding Stage NA
Employees 11-50
Country Israel
HQ Address Shacham 32, Petah Tikva, IL

Space is dynamic and constantly changing, and the need for technology to streamline the workflow is growing. P.O.C System developed a unique graphical software, for managing and optimizing commercial real estate and workspaces.

Via one clear and interactive interface, you gain a detailed understanding of how you’re currently using space – so you can analyze, plan and optimize.

Our platform is entirely web-based, easy to set up and user-friendly, so you’ll be up and running in no time. Achieve smarter outcomes for every Sq. meter of your space while reducing costs and simplifying business processes.

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Offir Tenne Founder
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Country Israel
HQ Address Shacham 32, Petah Tikva, IL

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Country Israel
HQ Address Shacham 32, Petah Tikva, IL

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