Nested | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database

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Nested is the estate agent of the future, redefining what it means to move home.

Year Founded 2015
Total Raised $214.6M
Funding Stage C+
Employees 51-100
Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 1 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, London, England EC1N 2ST, GB

Nested the estate agent making sellers chain-free. We do this by advancing what you need to buy your new home, whilst we sell your old one for the best possible price.
Selling a home is one of the most stressful things you do in life. It’s all-to-common to experience unclear valuations, broken chains and untrustworthy estate agents. We’re bringing a refreshing approach to this broken industry, removing the uncertainty for home sellers, providing best-in-class service and helping our customers secure their dream home on their timeline.
This is an ambitious goal and it needs an equally ambitious team. Our founders have previously built GoCardless and Songkick, and we’re backed by Europe’s leading VCs and entrepreneurs. Our growth trajectory shows we’re onto something big and we’re looking for exceptional people excited by the prospect of building something that matters to join the team.

Key People
Phil Cowans Co-Founder & CTO
James Turford Co-Founder & COO
Matt Robinson Co-Founder & CEO
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Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 1 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, London, England EC1N 2ST, GB

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Country United Kingdom
Operation area United Kingdom
HQ Address 1 Waterhouse Square, 138 Holborn, London, England EC1N 2ST, GB

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