Kognition | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database


Featured company

Physical building security software that uses AI and IoT to create a safer, smarter world

Year Founded 2017
Total Raised
Funding Stage Seed
Employees 1-10
Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 4646 Umbria Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, US

Kognition is developer of the world’s first enterprise-wide, hardware-agnostic Smart Property System. Now your commercial properties can see, think, and act autonomously to improve operations, increase security, lower costs, and more. Reduce risk, improve performance, and drive ROI with an AI-powered, autonomous smart property solution from Kognition.

Key People
Matias Klein President & CEO & Co-Founder
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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 4646 Umbria Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, US

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Country United States
Operation area United States
HQ Address 4646 Umbria Street, Philadelphia, PA 19127, US

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