Prompto | Proptech Zone Professional Database
Year Founded 2015
Employees 1-10
Country Belgium
Operation area EuropeUnited States
HQ Address Reigerstraat 8 , 9000 Gent, Belgium

“The Prompto sales enablement platform bridges the gap between sales and marketing by centralising all content in one place and distributing it through interactive content. It makes sure internal and external sales teams tell the same story with the right content. It prevents mistakes and boosts your sales.
*Centralise all marketing content.
Use the Prompto platform to manage all content efficiently and instantly sync your teams on any updates.
*Control the sales story of the real estate project.
Ensure that every sales agent has relevant content that is showing the right message at the right time, tailored to the prospect.
*Engage buyers with personalised and interactive experiences.
Personalise every buyer interaction and deliver more value with each conversation.
*Optimise insights.
Understand the behaviour and preferences your buyer and adjust your sales story accordingly to improve performance.
*Connect with all your systems.
Connect with existing CMS and CRM system and import or synchronise your entire file library through our open API-system.
Prompto can empower your sales team to work smarter with interactivity, personalised experience and advanced insights into your projects.
The Prompto platform has sold +1000 units worldwide, for companies like CAAP, Bostoen, Hyboma, etc. Founded in 2015, the company has headquarters in Ghent (Belgium) and is one of the leading and fast-growing prop-tech companies in Europe.”

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Country Belgium
Operation area EuropeUnited States
HQ Address Reigerstraat 8 , 9000 Gent, Belgium

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Country Belgium
Operation area EuropeUnited States
HQ Address Reigerstraat 8 , 9000 Gent, Belgium

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