Builders VC | Proptech Zone Professional Database

Builders VC
Featured company

Helping founders modernize antiquated industries

Year Founded 2018
Employees 1-10
Country United States
Operation area Global
HQ Address 201 Mission St, San Francisco, California US

Builders believes it takes more than great technology to fix an antiquated industry. To truly make lasting and impactful change, BUILDERS backs entrepreneurs who combine courage, technical acumen, and operational expertise.
Transformative technology has never been more widely adopted than it has in the last decade. Software is indeed eating the world. However, to make lasting impactful change, entrepreneurs will need more than innovative technology alone to unlock true value.
Because disruption doesn’t happen when a new algorithm is created. It happens when great founders leverage technology and strong operational focus to address customer pain points, acquire customers, drive out inefficiencies, and unlock new business models.
Builders is looking to work with founders focused on the intersection of great technology, antiquated industries, and operational excellence.

Key People
Mark Blackwell
Jim Kim
Paul Lee
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Country United States
Operation area Global
HQ Address 201 Mission St, San Francisco, California US

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Country United States
Operation area Global
HQ Address 201 Mission St, San Francisco, California US

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