An ecosystem synergizing the forces and knowledge from PropTech startups, real estate players and investors to co-create ideas…
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PropTech: Asia & Beyond summit
Date and time
Saturday, 24 May, 2021toFriday, 25 April, 2021
Virtual Event
Sign up here:
PropTech: Asia & Beyond summit is part of the StartmeupHK festival 2021, an annual collection of startup-focused events hosted by Hong Kong government department, InvestHK. Last year’s first virtual StarmeupHK Festival has hosted 471 speakers from 97 countries and territories, attracting a total of 181,770 attendees. PropTech: Asia & Beyond summit is a platform for PropTech industry leaders and experts such as yourself to discuss the trends and practices shaping the future of the real estate industry and urban landscape.
The summit is scheduled to be virtually held on May 24-25, 2021 and covers the following future thematic pillars:
- Knowledge exchange to build the foundation for thePropTech ecosystem
- Pitchstart!pitch battle to support scaling-up of startups and to promote interactions between investors and startups in a real-life setting
- PropTech for Youth engagement program to nurture future generations intoPropTech
Expecting over 1000 audience from all across the globe, this summit is an event you cannot miss.