Sustainer Homes | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database

Sustainer Homes
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Sustainer Homes was established to make architecture more sustainable, more flexible and more accessible.

Year Founded 2015
Total Raised €611K
Funding Stage A
Employees 1-10
Country Netherlands
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Schaverijstraat 113534 AS Utrecht

Building can be much better. The idea for Sustainer Homes came into being on a roof in 2014 when solar panels were laid: new technology must make sustainable building accessible to everyone everywhere. The four founders —Gert van Vugt (CEO), Jacintha Baas (COO), Sol van Kempen (Architect) and Wolf Bierens (CTO) – worked out the idea and after participating in the Startupbootcamp program, the first investor reported the construction of the first prototype.
Sustainer Homes has grown since the first prototype and with the development of the wooden module that makes it possible to build everything from business premises to holiday homes, sustainable construction is becoming accessible to an ever-larger group.

Key People
Gert van Vugt Co-Founder & CEO
Sol van Kempen Founder / Principal Architect
Jacintha Baas Co-Founder
Wolf Bierens Co-Founder / Technical director
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Country Netherlands
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Schaverijstraat 113534 AS Utrecht

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Country Netherlands
Operation area Europe
HQ Address Schaverijstraat 113534 AS Utrecht

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