BMBY Software Systems | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2003
Total Raised
Funding Stage Revenue Financed
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address HaYetsira Street 13, Yokne'am Illit, Israel
Other Offices 192 Stonehurst Drive, Tenafly, NJ, USA

BMBY Software Systems deals in the advancement and marketing of specialized administration and marketing systems, along with the control of both nationally and internationally developed residential real estate projects. The system provides a modern solution that improves the cash flow of the project, efficiency of the management processes, allowing for more process transparency. In one hand, our system enables a perfected organization of leads, while on the other, the avoidance of losses.

BMBY offers innovative methods for the developer, allowing project supervision, using integrated technology systems combined with the expertise and specialized knowledge of the field. The system gives the developer an accurate and up-to-date picture of the status of a project, whether it be in New York, China, or anywhere else.

BMBY was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in the Greater New York City area, with secondary headquarters and research development in Yoqneam Ilit, Israel. The company was announced as ‘Favored Enterprise’​ at the end of 2004 by the Center of Investments. In 2019, BMBY Software Systems was chosen to be one of the 20 most promising Proptech solution providers. BMBY is now heading to extend its reach into the U.S. market and offering its services to many more companies, giving them the tools they need to thrive towards success.

Key People
Mark Zeevi Chairman & Co-Founder
Ofer Rendlich Partner & VP
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Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address HaYetsira Street 13, Yokne'am Illit, Israel
Other Offices 192 Stonehurst Drive, Tenafly, NJ, USA

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Country Israel
Operation area Global
HQ Address HaYetsira Street 13, Yokne'am Illit, Israel
Other Offices 192 Stonehurst Drive, Tenafly, NJ, USA

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