ChromaWay | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database

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Platform for smart contracts and issuing and transferring assets through a blockchain

Year Founded 2014
Total Raised $260K
Funding Stage Pre-Seed
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area EuropeIsraelUnited States
HQ Address Centralplan 15, Stockholm, Sweden

ChromaWay was founded in 2014 and is an early pioneer of what is now dubbed as “blockchain 2.0″​ technology. With great blockchain experts ChromaWay provides a platform for smart contracts and issuing and transferring assets through a blockchain. ChromaWay has been working with the Swedish Land Registry and other institutions and financial companies to provide smart contract solutions for the real estate field. Among many other successes, ChromaWay presented Postchain, a consortium database. Follow ChromaWay for many upcoming products and partnerships with governments, institutions and companies around the world.

Key People
Or Perelman COO & Co-Founder
Henrik Hjelte CEO & Co-Founder
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Country Israel
Operation area EuropeIsraelUnited States
HQ Address Centralplan 15, Stockholm, Sweden

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Country Israel
Operation area EuropeIsraelUnited States
HQ Address Centralplan 15, Stockholm, Sweden

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