iAgree | Proptech Zone - leading Startup Database
Year Founded 2016
Total Raised $1M
Funding Stage Seed
Employees 1-10
Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address Atidim 7, Tel-aviv, Israel 69086, IL

iAgree is a web platform for landlords and tenants. The platform provides landlords with an efficient property management solution, minimizing their risk and yielding them higher return on investment. Tenants will get a notarized and balanced lease, an efficient payment solution, and an opportunity to develop positive rent history.
By using the platform, the landlord can create an online lease with a simple form. The tenant’s risk profile will then be generated by a special algorithm, beginning an online lease-signing process that allows for easy payment.

Key People
Tom Reiss CEO & Co-Founder
Offer Peylan CPO & Co-Founder
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Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address Atidim 7, Tel-aviv, Israel 69086, IL

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Country Israel
Operation area Israel
HQ Address Atidim 7, Tel-aviv, Israel 69086, IL

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